Monday Pairs

1990 Monday Pairs meeting 2024.

Five teams were represented.

Apologies had been received from Clive Dawkes, Richard Garner, and Allan Edwards.

The minutes of the 2023 meeting were accepted as a true record and signed by the league chairman. There were no matters arising.

The following items were then agreed upon:

The league structure employed for the 2024 season had worked well and should be continued for 2025, with one team to be relegated from division one, and one promoted from division two. Should the number of teams entering for 2025 drop to ten or below the secretary would review the structure and present teams with the options for their comments.

The secretary presented some alterations to the handbook for 2025 which were well received. Notably that the results cards would be pre-printed with the team names for each match. It was agreed that a list of the captains’ contact numbers should be included, and the secretary advised he would be asking each captain for their written consent to this in order to ensure compliance with DPA regulations.

An electronic copy of a team’s fixtures could be sent to its captain if requested.

Separate handbooks for Wednesday and Monday teams would be produced for 2025.

John Edmonson proposed a winter pairs league be established, probably running from mid January to March, to be played on a Wednesday night. He will propose this at the AGM in November.

Subscriptions for 2025 will remain at £8.00 per team.

Trophies were then presented to the winners of Division 1, Division 2, the Cup and the Plate competitions.